Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hoodoo with the Youth Group

We spent our New Year's Eve with the church. I hung out with the 4th/5th graders taking video and pictures of all the fun stuff they got to do. Jay hung out with the middle school group.
Then the next day (Friday, Jan. 2nd) Samantha and Jay got up early to go with the youth group for a weekend at Hoodoo. They stayed at Big Lake Youth Camp. The roads to Hoodoo were bad so it took 6 hours to get there.
I really wish Jay would of had a camera to take pictures because it sounded like they did a bunch of cool stuff in the snow (inner-tubing). When they arrived at Hoodoo the only way to get to camp was riding behind Snocat on innertubes. It takes about 45 minutes to get pulled into camp.
Jay and Sam arrived home Sunday evening. They are looking forward to doing it again next year. Also next year Andrew will be able to join them because he'll be in the middle school group.

Below is a picture of Samantha in the youth room before they loaded the buses to head over to Hoodoo.

This picture shows the piles of stuff (sleeping bags and clothes wrapped in plastic so it doesn't get wet) to be loaded onto the buses.

This picture was taken after Jay and Sam arrived back Sunday night.

Here is Andrew helping out by carrying the "bags" to the van.
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Camp Jam!

Today in the mail we received a letter from the Arthritis Foundation. Our good (they are like family to us) friends in Kentucky made a donation to a camp for kids who have JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) that our family will be attending in August.

Here is what the letter says:

Dear Samantha, Jay, Amy, Andrew and Maddie,
Mr. & Mrs. Hatter have made a very kind donation in honor of Samantha for Camp Jam!
I look forward to seeing your family at camp in August. This camp is going to be so special and I hope the weekend will be filled with lots of excitement and memories for you to cherish.
We appreciate Mr. & Mrs. Hatter's very generous donation in your honor to help with our 1st Annual Camp.
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Friday, January 02, 2009


When our Christmas package arrived from Kentucky we got this fun game- Snorta. Right after we opened Snorta! we had to play it.

We had a lot of fun playing and giggling.

Then when Gary, Sara and Cari spent the night at our house we played a couple rounds of Snorta. We got laughing so hard that we could hardly breath. They told me that they liked it so much that they got it for their New Years Eve party up in Portland.

If you haven't played this game then you should check it out. It is made by Apples to Apples.
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