Friday, October 10, 2008

Under the weather

Since last Friday I've been fighting off something. It hit me pretty hard on Sunday but Monday I felt back to normal except for some congestion. On Wednesday I woke up sounding very congested but I still felt fine. About 11 pm on Wednesday night I knew I had strep throat. I was in so much pain I didn't sleep at all that night and I couldn't swallow. Thursday was an awful day for me. I did get myself into the dr. to find out I have strep throat and both ears have an ear infection. He didn't check me for sinus infection but I can tell you that I have that also (I'll spare you the yucky details of how I know I have one). For the first 24 hours of taking antibiotics I always feel worse than I started. So, it is Friday evening and I'm still in pain but at least I can function somewhat.

I'm going to miss the Duck game tomorrow night. boo hoo. :( Jay and I thought it is best I'm not sitting outside in the cold. So, Jay gets to find 3 more people to go with him. Andrew had a few ideas.

Jill and I cancelled our 2 Girl Scout meetings for Sunday afternoon. I think this is the first time in 7 years we've cancelled a meeting.


At 8:20 AM , Blogger StephieAnne said...

Amy, Oh I hope you start feeling better soon. I had my worst case of strep throat while on vacation in Aruba - there's no underestimating the way it can attack!

Sorry you'll miss the Duck game too, but sounds like a good choice.

Get well soon!

At 4:28 AM , Blogger jennwa said...

That sounds horribe.

I hope you feel better soon.I'll be praying for you.

Guess what? I am a co-leader of my daughters girl scout troop, so if I need any advice I am coming to you.

Feel better soon.

At 7:51 AM , Blogger Barb said...

I hardly ever get that sick any more, but I remember when my kids were little and I was sick with stuff like this all the time because they constantly gave it to me. Miserable! I hope the antibiotics have kicked in and you're beginning to feel better.

And to answer your question, no ma'am. I'm NOT making Halloween costumes. Yet. But I strongly suspect the thought will occur to Krissy soon and I'll be back in that saddle again. LOL

Thanks for stopping by. Feel better soon!

At 8:35 AM , Blogger Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I'm so sorry you are feeling so awful. It is too early to start getting these winter illnesses! But I see you are in Oregon, is it already rainy up there? My friend's husband is a HUGE Duck fan. They actually drove up for a game a few weeks ago. Their kids are going to be a duck football player and a duck cheerleader. Too cute.

My first time by, loved your blog!


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