Saturday, June 30, 2007

Girl's night out

Super Suppers!

The girls, my Mom and I went to Super Suppers on Thursday night! Maddie helped G'ma and Samantha helped me. We had a great time and it was for a good cause. It was a fund raiser for Foster Families...every 12 meals that were bought that night SS would donate a meal to a Foster Family.

Yes, I have my apron on backwards...didn't realize it until after the picture was taken. hee hee!
I made 7 meals.
Baja Burritos
Chicken and Pesto Braided Bread

Pork Chops with Cranberry Barbecue Sauce
I won't bore you with the whole menu...unless you are really curious!

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Smart Habit Saturday

I found this cool blog the other day and decided to join in the fun. Smart Habit Saturday is something I'm going to try for the 1st time this week.

My habit for this week will be making my bed every morning. Since I make my kids do it each morning it is about time I do it!

  1. make bed every morning

I know I'm starting small but you have to start somewhere.

Monday, June 25, 2007

First Youth Group

Samantha looked so little standing next to all the older middle schoolers last week. The youth group during the Summer months does a weekly swim and study party. Samantha was so excited about going even though none of her friends could go with her. She plans on going every week.
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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Father's Day indeed!

Here's my present for Father's Day (ok and money from my birthday too).

30 GIG's of music AND videos!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

He & Me event (Girl Scouts)

This Saturday was our second annual He & Me Event! Each girl invited her favorite "he." Maddie brought Jay and Samantha brought Art. The girls spent 2 hours playing games and eating with their favorite guy.
The first game we played was a relay race. The girls went down and back on a "hippety hop ball" and the guys went down and back with a tennis ball between their knees. It was very entertaining to watching all the dads trying to hop or run down and back.

After that relay race we at a BBQ lunch. It was just as yummy as last years BBQ (chicken, potato salad, chips, baked beans). Of course I made my rootbeer floats for everyone. Then we played Bingo while we let our food settle. Everyone won a prize. Once everyone won a prize we went to our next "active" game which was Rock/Paper/Scissors.
2 teams (as a team you decide what you are going throw)
Face off 2 x 2 and chant (whole team throws the same symbol)
The team that throws the winning symbols chases the other team (tagging as many player as they can before the other team reaches their free zone)
If tagged they join that team
At one point Savannah (the little girl in the blue jacket) was on a team all by herself because she was so quick. Then we put the guys against the girls.

Our next game was called Fox & Squirrel. It was an okay game. Some really liked it and others thought it was just okay.
2 med size balls (alike) and 1 small ball
Form a circle
Object of the game is for the foxes to catch the squirrel by tagging whoever is holding the squirrel ball with one (or both) of the fox balls
Pass the fox balls (after practice)
Add the squirrel balls
Foxes can only pass to the player next to you
Squirrels are slick they can leap (throw across the circle)
To keep everyone alert you must call out “Fox” or “Squirrel” each time you pass the balls

For our last game we played- The Blob
Tag…starts out with one tagger.
Once tagged you join hands
Only outside hands (free hands) can tag someone
Until everyone is tagged
It was a lot of fun to watch but the dad's are too competitive so we will probably not play that one next year. Some of the girls were getting their arms pulled and yanked around.

It was a great day! My co-leader and I got lots of compliments for all the hard work we put into the event. We had a lot of fun watching the "dads" act like kids. They all were good sports and played along. Some of the guys did say they would have to go home and take some advil and a nap after all the running and falling they did. hee hee!
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flag Day

For Flag Day the kids were asked to join Andrew's cub scout pack to do a flag presentation. They did the ceremony at a retirement home.

The kids walked through the audience with 7 different flags that showed the progression of the American flag.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Free Summer Movies

Selected G & PG movies start at 10AM each Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival. First-come, first-served seating is limited to theatre capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer. (taken from their website)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Girl Toes!

Yesterday I gave the girls a pedicure!
First the girls soaked their feet.
Second I used a foot scrub to clean and soften their feet.
Third I put lotion on their feet.
Fourth I painted their toes.
Samantha picked blue and purple toes. Maddie picked red and blue toes.

Today Samantha gave me a pedicure. (sorry no pictures of my toes) I picked just red for my toe color; I know boring. My pedicure felt wonderful.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Final Piano Recital

Sunday was a big day for Samantha. She had her Sunday School graduation and then we headed to her piano recital. She played two songs and did an awesome job.
At the end of the school year she decided to not continue with piano. She likes to play the piano, she just doesn't like to practice! Practicing has been a struggle for her this year. She told us and her piano teacher for this next year she doesn't want to take piano lessons anymore.

Samantha was worried if she decided to return after a year or so she would have to start over in the "baby" books but her piano teacher told her "no" that they would just need to do some review to get her caught back up. Samantha has told us that for the time being she'll play with her old piano books to keep in practice.
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Graduating from Sunday School

This past Sunday Samantha graduated from Sunday School. There were only 4 girls in her class this year. Each girl memorized memory verses and made a book that contained stories from the bible. It is a very fancy book with pieces that move and it is very colorful.

The graduation lasted about an hour. Each girl took a turn getting up and showing us their books. You could tell that the girls put a lot of time and energy into their books.

We are very proud of Samantha and can't believe that she is being moved into the middle school program. Time sure flies. When we started at EBF (Emerald Bible Fellowship) I was pregnant with Samantha and I couldn't picture my child old enough to be a middle schooler. I'm still not sure how time snuck up on me like that but I wish I could stop the clock for awhile and just keep all three kids little for a little longer.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Strawberry Saturday

Those strawberries I picked below didn't get used like I envisioned. I was too busy to properly take care of them so I had to throw them away because they got mushy very quickly.

So, today Tara and I decided to try it together at her house. We went to the strawberry patch and bought a flat of strawberries. We decided to not pick strawberries since it was cold and raining.

After we got the berries we headed to Tara's house. She had bought all the supplies for us to make strawberry freezer jam.

We had so much fun that we decided in August we will make blackberry freezer jam. We are going to make it at my house since I have a/c and it will be HOT by then (not cold and rainy like it was today).

All in all it was a great day!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I took the kids strawberry picking yesterday! The berries are just beautiful and very juicy. I have more than I know what to do!

The kids had a great time picking strawberries and playing with their friends, Kelley and Nathan. I can't believe I've never taken the kids before. It was great entertainment for them and it only cost me $7.00 a bucket. Maddie picked the most berries. She picked a whole bucket herself. Andrew and Samantha each picked a half of a bucket....they were doing too much talking with their friends to be picking strawberries.
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Birthday money

Maddie used her birthday money for a new bike. 2 years ago we made the same deal with her brother and sister. They had to pay for half the bike and we would pay for the other half. Maddie wasn't too thrilled to spend her money that way but she was sure excited to get her new bike!!!
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Monday, June 04, 2007


I'm still working on decluttering and organizing the house. It took me a week to do the school room. That was an overwhelming project. I finished it on Saturday and now that room looks so much bigger. I'm sure there is more organizing and decluttering that can be done in there but for now I'm done with that room. I might try working on it again towards the end of the summer to make sure I have everything ready for the next school year.

Samantha and Andrew had there state testing this past month. The state of Oregon requires homeschooling students to be tested by the state at 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 10th grade. Both kids did great! It is a relief to have that over with.

I do need to help the kids organize their desk. When I was working on the school room I filled our recycle can and my Mom's also with stuff that needed to be recycled- such as old workbooks and papers.

I organized the hall closest yesterday. I put all the hair stuff together and labeled the area it is suppose to be returned to. Hopefully the girl's will find that helpful. Above that shelf are the towel shelves. I rolled the towels and made one shelf with the towels for the shower and the other shelf for the swim towels. Everyday Andrew has gym class the kids get to swim in the outdoor pool after practice. So, hopefully this will make it easier for them to pick a towel.

I also got rid of most of their kid plates. They mostly use our plates anyway. I switched shelves for the bowls and plates. That way the kids can reach the bowls when they are eating their breakfast.

Currently that leaves my bedroom and closest as the biggest eye sore. Now, if I could just get motivated to clean it. My closest has become the biggest catch all. Some days I'm scared to open it because something might fall out and injure me.

One foot in front of steps! hee hee!