Tuesday, September 11, 2007

part 3 of Sunday- zoo

We went to the zoo (field trip #3) for a couple hours on Sunday afternoon. The kids were excited because now there is a new bear to stand by and get your photo with. My camera was dieing by the time we got to the zoo so I only have a couple of pictures. It was late in the afternoon so most of the animals were taking a nap (plus it was HOT).

Two of our favorite things to do at the zoo is to see the Winged Wonders (butterfly garden) and the Lorikeets. Both exhibits had napping animals. The kids were a little disappointed. We were too but since my camera was dieing I'm glad I didn't miss any great photo ops. Last year we had butterflies landing on us (even on noses) and the Lorikeets always looks so beautiful when the kids hold them.

The zoo is getting a Lion in 2009. I'm excited because that was one of my favorite things about the Pittsburgh Zoo when we visited last Spring.

We were tired when we got home on Sunday evening after our long day with the balloons and picnic. I hope I'm caught up in my blogging...but can you ever really be caught up? It is like scrapbooking there is always more you can do! Now, that I mention that I haven't even blogged about how our daily school life is going this year. I guess I have more blogging to do! :)



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