Sunday, February 24, 2008

My prize arrived!!!

I'm behind in blogging. sorry

My awesome prize box arrived. Remember my post about winning?

I've had so much fun reading through everything. So, much info to grasp. But I really need it.


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I took pictures of all the cool things in the box but I can't show you all of them because Piscasa only lets me do three photos per blog post.

I've been reading through the mini booklets, I've been going through the 52 meal recipes CD, I've been reading the magazines and so on..... For anyone who wants practical ideas this box was filled with them.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Maddie graduates

Last Thursday (Valentine's Day) Maddie graduated from her speech class. She has been taking speech since she was 3 years old. So, this is a big accomplishment for her.

Maddie getting ready to go see her teacher.

Miss Sarah

Dad and the girls coming out from the graduation
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Good job, Maddie! You've worked long and hard on your speech! :)

My little girl is growing up

We have Samantha's e-mail set up that I get the replies that someone sends to her. We use as a double check to make sure she isn't getting spam or inappropriate e-mails.

Last night her bible study leader, Josie, responded to Samantha's e-mail. I was so surprised by Samantha's e-mail to Josie. I didn't know she had written Josie. Samantha never even talked to me about what she wrote to Josie.

I'm so proud of her that I wanted to share with all of you.

From: Samantha
Date: 2/19/2008 3:54:57 PM
To: Josie
Subject: Helping others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay Josie,
Didn't God say that we should help others (the poor).
Maybe we as in are small group we could do something together and earn money and give the money to the missionary to give to poor.
Just a thought but e-mail me back at ______________!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is what Josie wrote back to Samantha.

Hi honey!!
Yes, God does say to help others and I think that is an awesome thing you want to do!It would be really fun and a great experience for all of us to do something for others together!We should brain storm some ideas of what we could on Wednesday night!
Love you

God is really working on Samantha's heart! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

2nd part (GS tea party)

At the tea party we play bingo and everyone wins a prize. Here is the table of prizes.

One of the yummy snacks we ate. Also on the menu was chocolate covered strawberries, pb&j sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches and tuna sandwiches.

The girls do a valentine exchange also. Every girl goes home with a bag full of valentines and candy. We line up their bags and then the girls go by one by one and put their special valentine in each bag. Some valentines are home-made, most are store bought and a lot come with yummy candy. Even Jill and I get valentines from the girls.
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Well, that is our traditional tea party.


Girl Scout Tea Party

A couple of weekend ago we had our 6th annual Tea Party. We had the tea party at Jill's house (co-leader). She is very gifted in making the house look elegant.

There are 15 girls and each girl got to invite an adult female guest to be their Valentine. We also collect new or gently loved stuffed animals and donate them to organizations. A couple of years ago we donated them to the Oregon State Police Dept., last year we gave them to the relief nursery and this year we gave them to the Springfield fire dept.

We start preparing a day before hand for the party. Here we are getting one of the many tables set up.

Another one of the tables we were getting ready for our 30 guest.

Here is a picture of the girls with G'ma. Aren't they cute?!
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Picasa only lets you post 3 pictures at a time.


Picking up Cookies

Yesterday was our day to pick up cookies for my two troops. The one troop had 179 cases and the other troop had 70 cases of cookies. 2,988 boxes of cookies for the two troops!!! Each year it is a big process picking up all the cookies and then breaking them down into each girls order in the troop. I'm so thankful for help on this project because this isn't a one person project.

Here is Samantha wheeling out cookies to be packed into the trailer to take home.

The inside of my van on the drive home.

This is what happens when you go around a corner to quickly. Poor, Maddie, had to drive home like that which she thought was pretty funny (and a little painful).
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Friendly Blog Award

I got my first blog award yesterday. This must the week of first for me. :)

Jennifer at Ramblings of a Crazy Woman gave me an award: Friendly site award.
I love Jennifer's blog. She is one of the most creative people I know. She is the Martha Stewart of blogs.

Well, it is never fun to just hold onto an award; it is always better to pay it forward. So, I'm giving this award to a few blogs that I really enjoy reading:
Mrs. Jules at Casa de Jules
Katherine at Raising Five
Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie
Barb at A Chelsea Morning
Beth at A Mom's Life

Saturday, February 09, 2008

7 things about me

I'm excited to say this is the first time I've been tagged. A blog that I enjoy reading tagged me-Mrs. Jules - I'm to list 7 random facts about myself.

7 random things...

1. I got reminded tonight while eating dinner that I can only wink with only one eye. The kids always think that is funny that Mom lacks winking skills.

2. I'm an only child. I did have a great dog, Bess, who I thought of like a family member. I got her on my 5th birthday. She died when I was in college (15 years she lived).

3. I met Jay on the internet before the internet was what it is now. We were both in college (me at the UofO and him at Slippery Rock). We would telnet to a talker. It was all text based. That was in 14 years ago.

4. I like to be told I'm right.

5. I grew up without a TV in our household. I wonder if that is why I'm so addicted to the TV now?.

6. My name means, Beloved

7. A few years ago our family was in the newspaper for geocaching. And we are also in a geocaching book.

The Rules:

-Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Post 7 random facts about yourself on your blog.
-Tag 7 people and link to them.
-Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

I know I broke the rules by not doing the last two but I wasn't sure who to tag.
Thanks, Mrs. Jules, I loved doing this. :)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

One last project I made

These are note pad holders


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Post-it note holders

Another fun thing I made that night. Who doesn't love post-it notes! I love them!


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What I made

I've been enjoying Jenn's craft blog. She is very talented and creative. So, I thought I would share what I made this past at a girl's craft night.

Trident gym holders

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And yet another valentine post


if you look closely on the table, infront of what Samantha is hole punching, you can see the trident gum holder.

For Samantha's girl scout valentine's she made gum holders.
Samantha made 15 of these.
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More Valentines



Last month the girls and I went over to my friend, Tara's house to make valentines for the girl scout tea party coming up this weekend. Maddie made hershey bar holders. She made 15 of them (that is how many we have in the girl scout troop).
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Valentine's done by Andrew



front and back

These puppy valentines are done by Andrew. They are different sized hearts except for the tongue. He had fun making these.
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Valentine's done by Maddie




Maddie had fun making these. I traced her foot to create the template for these valentines. There was several fun sayings to put on these valentines.
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Valentines done by Samantha


front and back


Samantha created these bandaid valentines.
They are cute and easy to make. And there are some fun saying you can put on them.
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