Monday, May 05, 2008

More weekend fun from April 11-13th

Mrs. Jules was sweet enough to check in on me and see if I fell off of blogger land. :) My life has been crazy with schooling the kids, girl scouts and gymnastics. I'm hoping to catch everyone up with all that has been going on around here.

So, continuing off from my last post the next morning Jill picked me up at 6:45 a.m. to make it the Girl Scout Service Unit Manager's breakfast. After breakfast we headed to the Annual Meeting.

Jill and I won Outstanding Leaders of the Year award for the council. It was very exciting. We've been leaders together for 6 years (7 this Fall). We have two troops. The amazing part is Jill doesn't have a daughter in the younger troop but she gives just as much to that troop as she does to the older troop (which has her daughter in it). We knew were nominated but we told the Council if they didn't pick us as a team (which is not how the award is given out...only given to one individual) then we didn't want to win it because without the other person we are not who we would be. It takes both of us to make the troops run as smoothly as they do.


The next morning (Sunday) we headed to Portland for Andrew's Regional meet. We were very proud of him to make it to Regionals. He did get a medal on vault for 5th place.

It was a long day. There were 97 boys in his session which meant we were there for 5+ hours for competition. Boys came from Oregon, Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Washington state to compete.
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This is a picture of Andrew waiting to get on the pommel. He started on pommel and ended on the floor. Floor is his favorite event.
Andrew 7.9 (floor), 6.4(pommel), 6.85(rings), 9.45(vault), 8.35(parallel bars), 7.3(high bar), 46.250 (all around)

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At 9:38 AM , Blogger Jess said...

Hey, Amy! Congrats to you and your son on getting awarded. I have fond, fond memories of being a Brownie. You all sound like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures. It's an extremely busy time for our family as well, and I'm really looking forward to school being out in 5 more weeks. Have a blessed weekend! ;)

At 10:52 AM , Blogger AMY said...

Congrats there Amy! Did I see you on Sunday?


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