Friday, October 05, 2007


Last night while reading my bible I came across something that I wrote in my bible (the blue color words are what is written in my bible)...
gentleness- using your stregnth to meet another person without over powering them.

1. when you are gentle and kind you have trust in the Holy Spirit to work in someone else.
2. when you are angry and harsh you are trying to change that person.

Remember the cross when you get harsh. (Hebrew 5:13 ->Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whomwe must give account.) You can't hide anything from God.

Proverbs 15:1 ->A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.

This really hit home for me in my parenting skills. I'm going to keep this in mind while I got about my day.
How does this speak to you?


At 6:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have realized that my tone has gotten to be harsh over the past few weeks! Working on that this week.
To answer you ?? Yes, we use FIAR Weekly Reporter~ I was posting a weekly update but then I stumbled across She has the buttons and links and it is fun to see what others are doing each week.

I like your blog, very cute!

At 10:01 AM , Blogger Lori Harris said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog today! I was looking through your blog and saw your post on gentleness. These words mean a lot to me today because I took my 2 month old to the doc (he has been crying nonstop for two days!) and he was diagnosed with colic. Yuck. I having praying for patience to deal with the crying, but maybe I should also pray for gentleness. After all I'm sure the baby can sense my stress! :)


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